Food Relief

We are here for you if you need


“He kai kei aku ringa”

“There is food in my hands”

Global Mission Event Supporting Communities

Food Relief for Individuals or Families

Feed it Forward is about our volunteers supporting their communities in need.

What separates us from other food relief services is that we have:

  • No charges or restrictions

  • No application forms

  • No Health Care or Pension cards

  • No explanation required

Our core belief is: "No questions asked, No Judgement passed."

To request food relief:

*Volunteer/s families in need are welcome recipients of collected rescued food along with the wider community.

What are People Saying?

Food Relief for Local Organisations

Feed it Forward provides food relief to all local communities and organisations including aged care, school breakfast clubs, daycares, homeless shelters and churches.

Here are just some of the local organisations we support:

If you are a part of any of these types of local businesses or organisations and you'd like to speak to someone about food relief, please get in touch.